1934 Wyott Drive, Cheyenne, WY 82002

(307) 777-7515

Brand Recording

The mission of the Brand Recording unit is to provide an efficient and accurate system of records relating to the recording, sale and transfer of livestock brands.

Brand Inspection

The mission of Brand Inspection is to verify livestock ownership prior to any change of ownership or movement. 

Animal Health

The Animal Health Unit functions to protect the health  of Wyoming livestock by focusing on disease prevention, surveillance, control, eradication, and educational outreach activities. 

Law Enforcement

Protect the livestock interests of the State of Wyoming from theft.  Act as the investigative arm for Animal Health, Brand Recording and Brand Inspection Units.

Board Info


March 25, 2025
(In person and zoom)

Rules for Public Comment:
None at this time

Resolutions: Board approved two on November 15, 2024

Wyoming Livestock Board
1934 Wyott Drive
Cheyenne, WY 82002