Animal Health
The Wyoming Livestock Board Animal Health Unit exercises general supervision over and protection of the livestock interests of the state from disease by implementing board rules and regulations, assisting in enforcement, monitoring the import of livestock and biologic agents into the state and disseminating lawful and accurate information.
******** NEWS ALERT*******
PRESS RELEASE: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Confirmed in Hot Springs County Backyard Poultry Flock 3/24/25
PRESS RELEASE: Anthrax Vaccination Recommended for Livestock in Endemic Regions 3/24/25
PRESS RELEASE: Brucellosis Identified in Park and Sublette County Cattle Herds 2/20/25
PRESS RELEASE: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Confirmed in Three Wyoming Backyard Flocks 2/14/25
Official ID and ADT Information
REPORTABLE DISEASES: Reportable Disease list by species updated list Nov 2024
WLSB Response protocol for reportable diseases
Disease Notification Form
CFSPH Foreign Animal Disease Field Guide
PROTOCOL: Wyoming Livestock Board's Anthrax Response Protocol
FACT SHEET: Myth Busters: The Facts About Animal Disease Traceability
Virtual Meeting for Producers: Animal Disease Traceability
Meeting 1: November 4,2024 - 7pm - 8pm
If you can not make the 1st meeting there is a second meeting on:
Meeting 2: November 6, 2024 - 7am - 8am
GovDelivery Notice for Veterinarians: AAEP Issues Filed Guidelines for Neurologic Cases
PRESS RELEASE: Brucellosis Identified in Park County Cattle Herd, WLSB Hosts Informational Brucellosis Meeting in Park and Lincoln Counties
RECORDING: Park County Meeting
RECORDING: Lincoln County Meeting
PRESS RELEASE: Anthrax Confirmed in Carbon County Cattle
Anthrax Fact Sheet
Recording of Carbon County Anthrax meeting
Disease Information for Producers: Leptospirosis
WLSB: Leptospirosis Information for Owners
WLSB: Leptospirosis - What you Need to Know
Leptospirosis Handout
GovDelivery: USDA Animal Disease Traceability Rule and RFID Use
Federal Order Issued on HPAI in Cattle is in effect as of April 29, 2024: All lactating dairy cattle are required to have a negative bovine influenza A test within seven(7) days prior to entry.
states have modified import requirements for dairy cattle due to the detections
of HPAI in cattle. For updated requirements, please check the destination
state's import requirement page on their website.
( and the Livestock Marketing Association
website ( are other sources for information on
import requirements.
DISCLAIMER: These are only copies of our Animal Health Rules. For the Official Rules please visit the Secretary of State website.
Commonly used Animal Health Rules:
Chapter 2: Brucellosis Management and Mitigation
Map of the Brucellosis Designated Surveillance Area
List of out of state Livestock Markets approved to Brucellosis test
Chapter 6: Brucellosis Risk Mitigation Activities and Compensation
Chapter 8: Import Regulations is another source for livestock requirements
Chapter 15: Trichomoniasis Rules
None at this time
EMERGENCY RULES: None at this time
The Wyoming Livestock Board (WLSB) maintains a list of animal diseases called the Reportable Disease List. These diseases must be reported to the state veterinarian when they are identified, per state statute (WS 11-19-102). These diseases are important for their impact on herd health, public health and the economics and marketability of the Wyoming livestock industry.
If any person or government entity knows or suspects that there is a contagious or infectious disease among animals under their jurisdiction, or any veterinarian knows of or suspects a reportable disease, he/she must report it to the State Veterinarian's office within 24 hours. All information collected in response to the reportable disease list shall remain confidential.
To Report a disease call 307-840-1389
REPORTABLE DISEASE LIST updated list Nov 2024