1934 Wyott Drive, Cheyenne, WY 82002

(307) 777-7515

 Animal Health 


The Wyoming Livestock Board Animal Health Unit exercises general supervision over and protection of the livestock interests of the state from disease by implementing board rules and regulations, assisting in enforcement, monitoring the import of livestock and biologic agents into the state and disseminating lawful and accurate information.   

                                               ******** NEWS ALERT********
PRESS RELEASE: Trichomoniasis Quarantines Released in Fremont County, Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) Identified in Natrona County (WY)

2024 Wyoming State Fair Animal Health Requirements

HPAI Testing Recommendations for Exhibition Lactating Dairy Cattle

HPAI Guidance for Exhibition Lactating Dairy Cattle

PRESS RELEASE: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected in Wyoming Dairy Herd

Federal Order Issued on HPAI in Cattle is in effect as of April 29, 2024: All lactating diary cattle are required to have a negative bovine influenza A test within seven(7) days prior to entry. 

USDA APHIS Notification: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Detections in Livestock
GovDelivery Notice: Federal Order Issued on HPAI in Cattle

         Many state have modified import requirements for dairy cattle due to the detections             of HPAI in cattle. 
         For updated requirements, please check the destination state's import requirement             page on their website. InterstateLivestock.com and Livestock Marketing Association             website (https://www.lmaweb.com/hpai) are other sources for information on                         import requirements. 

Notification: APHIS Recommendations for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 Virus in Livestock for State Animal Health Officials, Accredited Veterinarians and Producers

Notification: NVSL HPAI Dairy Testing Recommendations

PRESS RELEASE: USDA, FDA and CDC Share Update on HPAI Detections in Dairy Cattle

Example Protocol: Standard Brucellosis Quarantine Protocol

Notification Protocol: HB0180 Brucellosis Non-negative Notification Protocol

New process for Brucellosis testing reimbursement program for veterinarians 

Veterinarians using electronic certificates of veterinary inspection (eCVIs) ONLY will no longer be required to call for an entry permit number. Bison, cattle, goats, sheep, swine and yaks are all required to have an entry permit number IF it is a paper/hand written CVI. June 1, 2023

Animal Health is pleased to announce we have implemented a new email subscription service. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE 

- Algae Bloom information: Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms
               USDA NRCS Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
                Protect Animals from Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms(HCBs)-Owner Reference 
                Veterinarian Reference for Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms

Informational Links and Brochures for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza:               
-CDC: Bird Flu Virus Infections in Humans
- Recorded Webinar: HPAI Biosecurity Information for Fairs and Exhibitions 
-Recorded Webinar: HPAI Information with WLSB, USDA/APHIS/US, Wyoming Game and Fish Department and Wyoming Public Health
-USDA/APHIS: 2022 Detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza               
-CDC: What To Know About Bird Flu             
-USDA/APHIS: Checklist To Protect Against Wild Birds, Rodents, and Insects              
-USDA/APHIS: Checklist To Report Unusual Mortality               
-USDA/APHIS: Defend the Flock

ATTENTION POULTRY PRODUCERS: With HPAI (High Path Avian Influenza) affecting several states please be aware and contact the WLSB with any sick or sudden onset of dead domestic poultry or waterfowl. Contact numbers are: 307-777-8270 or 307-777-6440

Brochure: Equine Herpesvirus (EHV) Myeloencephalopathy

PRESS RELEASE: Scrapie ID Requirements for Exhibition Sheep & Goats


Interstate Livestock Movement Commuter/Adjacent State Permit
Livestock Dealer Application
Livestock Sale Application 

USDA/APHIS Premises Identification Number (PIN) Request         
USDA/APHIS Cheyenne Office: 307-432-7960 #3                                                   
e-mail: VSWY@usda.gov

Disease Information:
Defend the Flock - USDA/APHIS        
Defend the Flock -Newsletter Information
Equine Herpesvirus (EHV) Myeloencephalopathy Brochure
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease: USDA Fact Sheet
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 - Frequently Asked Questions: National Assembly
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 - Biosecurity Guidance: National Assembly
WLSB Vesicular Stomatitis Brochure 
USDA/APHIS Vesicular Stomatitis Website
USDA Vesicular Stomatitis Situation Report 

Animal Health Rules  

DISCLAIMER: These are only copies of our Animal Health Rules. For the Official Rules please visit the Secretary of State website. 

Commonly used Animal Health Rules: 
Chapter 2: Brucellosis Management and Mitigation
                   Map of the Brucellosis Designated Surveillance Area
                   List of out of state Livestock Markets approved to Brucellosis test
Chapter 6: Brucellosis Risk Mitigation Activities and Compensation

Chapter 8: Import Regulations
               interstatelivestock.com is another source for livestock requirements

Chapter 15: Trichomoniasis Rules
                           None at this time

EMERGENCY RULES: None at this time

Reportable Disease List

The Wyoming Livestock Board (WLSB) maintains a list of animal diseases called the Reportable Disease List. These diseases must be reported to the state veterinarian when they are identified, per state statute (WS 11-19-102). These diseases are important for their impact on herd health, public health and the economics and marketability of the Wyoming livestock industry.  

If any person or government entity knows or suspects that there is a contagious or infectious disease among animals under their jurisdiction, or any veterinarian knows of or suspects a reportable disease, he/she must report it to the State Veterinarian's office within 24 hours. All information collected in response to the reportable disease list shall remain confidential.

To Report a disease call 307-840-1389