1934 Wyott Drive, Cheyenne, WY 82002

(307) 777-7515

Brand Inspection


In order for a Brand Inspector to do their job, they must complete a physical inspection of livestock for brands and ownership, including the brand record, which may include an actual brand, and/or paper documentation, such as brand inspections certificate.

Effective 7/11/18:  Chapter 9: Brand Inspection and Brand Recording Fees

Primary duties of an inspector are: inspect cattle, horses, mules, asses and sheep for brands and ownership. Brand Inspections are required for a change of ownership and to legally cross county or state lines. Inspectors are required to take up and issue Title Certificates during a change of ownership Brand Inspection. There are several different types of brand inspections and permits specified under state law. The Inspector can assist you in choosing the type of inspection that best fits your situation.

Other duties of Wyoming's Brand Inspectors include: identifying estray livestock, assist with removal of livestock from right of way, assist enforcement officers in livestock investigations and animal welfare cases, assist the Board with animal health related incidents which includes quarantine follow-up, illegal importation investigation assistance as well as assisting with testing and trace-ability efforts in disease control outbreak instances.